Monday, April 20, 2009

Paulina in VIVID

I just want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who sent me a gift and wished me a happy birthday! I had a wonderful day and seeing everything you guys said and did made it even better! :D

Now for another wonderful thing that happened today. Paulina Porizkova baught one of my designs! As I mentioned yesterday or the day before I started my own clothing line, VIVID by Mel, and when I signed on I saw someone named Paulina baught a dress and then I clicked the username to thank her and it was THE one and only Paulina! I cannot believe this and hopefully this will help my business, because after all, the world's first supermodel loves my designs! Come check out some new designs! They are selling pretty fast so if you want a one of a kind dress that Paulina adores (haha) come now to my bazar!


  1. Luckyy! Well,I love them! Happily someone bought a dress from my starbaazar and I could buy a dress!

  2. Aww Blue, Its Muffins! Well Done, Congrats! Your So Lucky! Im So Proud For You!

  3. If you really wanted to. I can see you as one of those young fashion desingers.

  4. Wowwss. Thats amazing, Mel. BIG congratulations from me [: oxoxox.

  5. well done! the designs are fab!

  6. Bluegreen86 lashes out against Britneys07?

    Undamyumbrella sheds no tears for Dan? Feuding or absentmindedness?

  7. OMG your so lucky! And Paulina must be nice!

  8. Well Mel [haha that rhymes] you deserve everything :]
    Congrats on CG.
    I've been voting you for a while now!

    *Thanks for following my blog!
